Tuesday 5 May 2015

May Events‏

American Tournament - Saturday 16th May - 1.30pm
Marion Allan Final - Saturday 30th May - 2:00pm
Quiz Night - Saturday 30th May - 7:30pm - see poster below
On Saturday 16th May we’ll be having an American Tournament instead of the usual social afternoon. The emphasis will still be firmly on the social, but with just a bit more structure than a normal club afternoon.
The final format will depend on the numbers, but the basics are that we will draw the pairings from a hat and you’ll stick with your partner throughout the afternoon. There will be a round-robin section, with some form of cross-ties or knock-out element at the end. Each match will just be four games so it will be quick-fire stuff.
To make sure everyone gets a decent amount of games, entry will be limited to a maximum of 24. I’ve put a doodle link below and there will also be a sign-up sheet in the clubhouse. Sign-up will close at 7pm on Thursday 14th, or whenever we get the 24 entries, so that we can draw the pairings in advance and get a quick start on the day.
The tournament will start at 1-30 so please be there in plenty time.
If we get the maximum of 24, everyone will play at least six matches and we should be done in under three hours, so there will still be time for people to stay on longer.
Please feel free to bring cakes - American-themed preferred, but not essential.
Have a nice day!
(And hope to see you at the quiz night too!)