Thursday 21 May 2015

Bake Sale/Raffle Sun 24th May

Junior member Miah Bhabutta is holding a bake sale, raffle and a few fun games on Sunday 24th May from 8.45 to 12.15 am, during junior coaching.

All money raised will go towards a new sun room for Alzheimer Scotland's bungalow in Bonnyrigg. All members are welcome to join us, not just juniors!

If anyone would like to contribute some home baking Miah would be very grateful. Just let Nicola and Ricky know (

There will also be a raffle, for which ticket sales will begin on 24 May and continue up to the Quiz Night on 30 May 15, when the draw will be made. We have some great prizes promised already, including a new tennis racquet, some liquid refreshment and a few other fun items. We'd be delighted to receive more prizes. If you have any prizes to offer, please contact Nicola and Ricky.

The bake sale will go ahead, even if the weather is inclement. Look forward to seeing you there on Sun 24 May.

Thank you for your support. It is great to have our Club supporting this worthy local cause.