Thursday 9 April 2015

Opening Day this Saturday (11th April)

Hello Everyone! Just a note to say that we are hoping to open on Saturday, 11 April at 2pm, weather permitting as always! 

Please do come down if you can. The courts and Club in general are looking in very good shape and our thanks are due to the Committee, together with one or two others, for all the hard work that has gone on over the winter months to achieve this. The court watering system is now in place and functioning well. On behalf of the Club I would like to thank George Archibald, our Honorary President, for his vision and long-term planning in suggesting this idea some years ago. Also, huge thanks are due to John Slater and Gareth Stewart who worked extremely hard in putting together the Planning Application. This has all been brought to a successful conclusion and has been signed off by the Council. Lastly, our thanks are due to one of our long standing members, who wishes to remain anonymous, who made a considerable financial contribution to the cost of this installation. Lastly, welcome back to all members and a particularly warm welcome to any new members who are joining us this year. I trust the lovely weather we have been experiencing over the last few days continues and takes us right through to the Autumn! Have a great tennis season. Kind regards to you all
Wendy Macmillan Chair