Wednesday 1 August 2012

Adult Coaching

Interested in having some coaching? We have secured the services of  Bruce Beadle (who currently provides our junior coaching) and he would be happy to offer this. Bruce is an experienced LTA coach and provides adult and junior coaching at David Lloyd and Balerno Tennis Club.

Coaching sessions at Dalkeith would 'likely' take place on a Monday evening, in blocks of 4 week sessions, for 90 minutes at a time. The cost would depend on numbers. Sessions would need to have a minimum of 6 people and be limited to a maximum of 12. The first block of 4 could start on Monday 13 August.

If this is something you are interested in, let John Slater ( know by Friday 10 August. He will collate names and numbers and get back to you to let you know the arrangements and the cost.